The PowerPRO is a slick powerhouse capable of charging almost anything.
Who did we make it for?
It is for the busy executives who has to work everywhere. The creatives who want to work at their favourite cafes. The salesmen who have to travel abroad more than they stay home. These hardworking people don’t want the stress that comes with having to find power outlets! Nor do we! It gives you the freedom to create, any where.
The PowerPRO has 2 A-ports and C-ports. The A-ports are quite straightforward but the C ports comes in 65W and 100W. You can use the 65W for tablets and handphones. It is even powerful enough to charge some laptops.
For those of you with more powerful machines, such as gaming laptops, use the 100W C-port. We tested it on a 90Wh laptop and it takes in the full 100W afforded by the slick obsidian PowerPRO and the powerful (FREE!) 100W cable.
But enough of the cool exterior. Here are the advanced features you can only get from the PowerPRO:
1) Double-click the power button to enter low power mode. In this mode, the PowerPRO will not shut down for 2 hours to provide consistent charging for low-current devices.
2) Quickly press the power button 3times to force a shutdown when no devices are charging.
3) Quick press the power button 5 times to enter PPS mode. (Programmable Power Supply).
You can use this mode to fast-charge your most powerful devices such as your gaming laptop. PPS mode remains on until manually turned off, by pressing it 5 times again.
Now you know how our PowerPRO is built differently. It is more than a matter of having 5 times the usual power of a normal powerbank.